John Lennon - Complete Discography
(in Date Order)

Standard re-issues NOT listed separately, they will be mentioned in the detail of the original release.

Click on the red link to see detail of each release.

29/11/68LPAppleSAPCOR 2Unfinished Music No.1 - Two Virgins
9/05/69LPAppleZAPPLE 01Unfinished Music No.2 - Life With The Lions
4/07/697"AppleAPPLE 13Give Peace A Chance
24/10/697"AppleAPPLES 1001Cold Turkey
7/11/69LPAppleSAPCOR 11The Wedding Album
12/697"AppleAPPLES 1002You Know My Name/What's The New Mary Jane ... Unreleased.
12/12/69LPAppleCORE 2001Live Peace in Toronto 1969
6/02/707"AppleAPPLES 1003Instant Karma
11/12/70LPApplePCS 7124John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
12/03/717"AppleR 5892Power To The People
8/10/71LPApplePAS 10004Imagine
15/09/72LPApplePCSP 716Some Time in New York City
10/727"AppleR 5953Woman Is The Nigger Of The World ... Unreleased
24/11/727"AppleR 5970Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
16/11/73LPApplePCS 7165Mind Games
16/11/737"AppleR 5994Mind Games
4/10/747"AppleR 5998Whatever Gets You Thru The Night
4/10/74LPApplePCTC 253Walls and Bridges
31/01/757"AppleR 6003No.9 Dream
21/02/75LPApplePCS 7169Rock 'n' Roll
18/04/757"AppleR 6005Stand By Me
24/10/75LPApplePCS 7173Shaved Fish
24/10/757"AppleR 6009Imagine
24/10/807"GeffenK 79186Starting Over (Just Like)
17/11/80LPGeffenK 99131Double Fantasy
27/11/80LPMusic For PleasureMFP 50509Mind Games
16/01/817"GeffenK 79195Woman
27/03/817"GeffenK 79207Watching The Wheels
15/06/81LPParlophoneJLB 8John Lennon (Boxed Set)
25/11/81LPMusic For PleasureMFP 50522Rock 'n' Roll
1/11/82LPParlophoneEMTV 37The John Lennon Collection
15/11/827"ParlophoneR 6059Love
16/12/83LPPolydor817238-1Heart Play - Unfinished Dialogue
* * * Note:All John's other Interview album releases are listed at this link * * *
9/01/847"PolydorPOSP 700Nobody Told Me
23/01/84LPPolydorPOLH 5Milk and Honey
27/01/84CDPolydor8171 602Milk and Honey
9/03/847"PolydorPOSP 701Borrowed Time
9/03/8412"PolydorPOSPX 701Borrowed Time
6/84LPFame41 3102 1John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
6/84LPSilhouetteSM 10014Reflections And Poetry
15/07/847"PolydorPOSP 702I'm Stepping Out
15/07/8412"PolydorPOSPX 702I'm Stepping Out
21/09/84LPPolydorPOLH 13Everyman Has A Woman
16/11/847"PolydorPOSP 712Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Him
16/11/84CDPolydor8234 902Everyman Has A Woman
18/11/857"ParlophoneR 6117Jealous Guy
18/11/8512"Parlophone12 R 6117Jealous Guy
24/02/86LPParlophonePCS 7301Live In New York City
24/02/86CDParlophoneCDP 7 46196 2Live In New York City
10/10/86CDGeffen299 131Double Fantasy
3/11/86LPParlophonePCS 7308Menlove Avenue
13/04/87CDParlophoneCDPCS 7308Menlove Avenue
26/05/87CDAppleCDP 7 46641 2Imagine
26/05/87CDParlophoneCDP 7 46707 2Rock 'n' Roll
26/05/87CDParlophoneCDP 7 46642 2Shaved Fish
20/07/87CDParlophoneCDP 7 46768 2Walls And Bridges
3/08/87CDParlophoneCDP 7 46769 2Mind Games
10/08/87CDParlophoneCDP 7 46782 8Some Time in New York City
10/08/87CDParlophoneCDP 7 46783 2Live Jam
5/04/88CDParlophoneCDP 7 46770 2John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
11/07/88LPBaktabakBAK 2096The Last Word
10/10/88LPParlophonePCSP 722Imagine : John Lennon (Music from the Film)
10/10/88CDParlophoneCDPCSP 722Imagine : John Lennon (Music from the Film)
28/11/887"ParlophoneR 6199Imagine
28/11/8812"Parlophone12 R 6199Imagine
30/01/89CDCapitolCDP 7 91425 2Double Fantasy
06/89CDAppleCDP 7 90428 2Live Peace in Toronto 1969
23/10/89CDParlophoneCDP 7 91516 2The John Lennon Collection
30/10/90CDEMICDS 7 95220 2Lennon (4CD Box Set)
12/11/90CDBBCBBCCD 6002John and Yoko - The Interview
14/12/90CDThunderboltCDTB 095Testimony
1/93CDRock ClassicsSSI 9999Unfinished Music No.1 - Two Virgins
1/06/96LPUFOJOHN 1John Lennon Interview
9/06/97CDRykodiscRCD 10411Unfinished Music No.1 - Two Virgins
9/06/97CDRykodiscRCD 10412Unfinished Music No.2 - Life With The Lions
9/06/97CDRykodiscRCD 10413The Wedding Album
27/10/97CDParlophone8219542Lennon Legend
2/11/98CDCapitol830 6142Anthology
2/11/98CDCapitol497 6392Wonsaponatime
14/09/99CDDressed To KillDRESS 155Bedism ... (I now think this is a bootleg)
23/12/99CDParlophoneCDR 6534Imagine
14/02/00CDParlophone524 8582Imagine
9/10/00CDCapitol528 7392Double Fantasy
9/10/00CDE.M.I.528 7402John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
27/09/01CDE.M.I.535 9592Milk and Honey
1/02/023xCDTimeless17524Instant Karma: All-Time Greatest Hits - U.S. Budget release
21/10/02CDE.M.I.542 4252Mind Games
27/10/03CDE.M.I.595 0672Lennon Legend
8/12/03CDAppleCDR 6627Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
8/03/04CDVirginVTDCD 698John Lennon's Jukebox
13/09/04CDE.M.I.EBX 23Double Fantasy/Milk and Honey
27/09/04CDCapitol874 3292Rock 'n' Roll
1/11/04CDCapitol874 4282Acoustic
4/08/05CDE.M.I.332 5092Peace, Love & Truth - Asian and Australian markets only
3/10/05CDParlophone340 0802Working Class Hero - The Definitive Lennon
25/09/06CDCapitol374 9122The U.S. vs John Lennon (Soundtrack)
18/01/09CDUpfrontUPJLENNO01John Lennon
4/10/102xCDCapitol905 9902Double Fantasy / Stripped Down (2 cd)
4/10/10CD/DVDE.M.I.909 5502Power To The People - The Hits (cd+dvd)
4/10/104xCDE.M.I.906 6422Gimme Some Truth (4 c.d. set)
4/10/1011xCDE.M.I.906 5092Signature Box (11 c.d. set)
9/09/14CDCapitol379 8237Icon
5/10/184xCD/2xBlu-RayUMG676 7126Imagine (The Ultimate Edition)
9/10/202xCD/Blu-RayUMG350 0208Gimme Some Truth (The Ultimate Mixes)
23/04/216xCD/2xBlu-RayUMG073 5429John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band (The Ultimate Collection)

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